Mechanical grape harvesting

In June 2024, we purchased the long-awaited grape harvester from France. After the first year of harvesting, we can proudly say that the machines are equivalent to manual harvesting. We can only upgrade in terms of quality, as with the help of machines, a large amount of grapes can be brought to the cellar in a very short time.

olive harvest


In 2024, the climate was on our side and there were no problems with potential diseases, which is very important in organic production. As a result, the harvest was excellent both in terms of the quantity of olives harvested and the final oil yield.

manual olive


Even though our family produces some of the highest quality organic olive oils in the world and we are always ready for innovations and improvements, one of the key factors in quality is that the entire crop is still harvested entirely by hand.

mechanical olive


In 2022, we tested an Italian olive harvesting machine. The machine works very well if our areas were all flat. Given our location, unfortunately, such machines are not an option because the hills make moving with such machines almost mission impossible. Another essential factor is the weather conditions. In October and November, when olives are harvested, it is typically rainy. In the hills, rain makes harvesting very difficult, as well as moving with machinery, so such harvesting in our hills is almost impossible for now.