The blend of olive oil from the belica, leccino and maurino varieties combines the characteristic properties of these three olive varieties, giving the oil a balanced and rich flavor profile. Each variety contributes its own specificities, which is why such an oil is highly valued, especially in cuisine, where harmony of aromas and flavors is sought.
Characteristics of individual varieties:
- Belica (Slovenian indigenous variety)
Taste: Intensely spicy and bitter oil, with characteristic strong aromas.
Aromas: Grass, artichoke, green apple, sometimes nuts.
Contribution to the blend: Gives the oil a characteristic spiciness, bitterness and freshness, along with a high content of polyphenols.
- Leccino (Italian variety)
Taste: Softer and more delicate compared to Belica, with slightly sweet and mildly bitter notes.
Aromas: Almonds, ripe apples, floral notes.
Contribution to the blend: Contributes to the harmonization of the taste, reduces the sharpness of Belica and adds a subtle sweetness.
- Maurino (Italian variety)
Taste: Fruity and aromatic oil, with a slightly spicy finish.
Aromas: Ripe fruit, berries, spices, sometimes citrus.
Contribution to the blend: Adds fruitiness, complexity and a mild spicy tone.